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HomeRules: Pistol

Members not adhering to the rules are subject to suspension of membership privileges up to and including expulsion from the club!

Reference:  LC & SA Constitution Article III, Section 3 & 3a.

Revision: March 2020


  • All Federal, State and Local firearms laws must be obeyed.
  • Safety is the first consideration in using firing ranges.
  • Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
  • Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
  • Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
  • Eye and ear protection is mandatory for all shooters and spectators.
  • No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed prior to or during your time on the range. No drugs, prescription or consumer medications, may be taken prior to or during time on the range that could render the shooter unsafe.
  • Long guns not cased are to be racked or benched with the action open, magazines removed. Pistols are unloaded and placed on a firing bench pointed down range with action open and magazine removed, or cased or holstered when not on the firing line. No one is to go down range until pistols are made safe or holstered.
  • If there is no Certified Range Safety Officer present, a temporary RSO will be appointed from among the shooters on the line. It will be the RSO’s duty to maintain safety and order on the line.
  • Any shooter who sees an unsafe condition will call a cease fire and all firing will stop immediately, muzzles pointed in a safe direction, fingers off the trigger, and wait for further instructions until the condition has been corrected.
  • When a cease fire is called to check or replace targets, all firearms must be unloaded, benched with the actions open. No one will proceed down range until all firearms are verified safe.
  • No one will approach the bench or handle firearms when anyone is down range. Shooters will step back from the line to confirm no one is touching a firearm.
  • Ensure all rounds fired are impacting the backstop. Target stands are to be placed directly in front of the berms. Short range low targets may cause rounds to skip over the backstop and leave the range.
  • Shoot only authorized paper targets. No glass, plastic, wood, steel or other reactive targets are allowed except with prior written approval from the Board of Directors.
  • Do not shoot barricades, anchor posts, target stands or support wires.
  • Shoot only authorized firearms and ammunition. No tracer, exploding or armor piercing ammunition is allowed.
  • Shooters are responsible to police up brass, targets, and trash. Put all trash in the trash barrels when finished shooting. Please deposit all empty cartridge casings in the recycling “bird houses” provided at the range.
  • Return target stands, barrels, barricades, etc., to their proper storage locations. Leave the ranges cleaner than you found them.
  • Food, beverages and smoking is prohibited on the firing line.
  • Only members and guests that are signed-in at the club house are permitted on the ranges. Members are fully responsible for the actions and conduct of their guests. Parents and guardians are fully responsible for the actions and conduct of their children.
  • In the event of any serious accident refer to the emergency procedures (Procedures) and call 911 immediately.
  • NO muzzles are to be pointed above the top of any berm.
  • Violations of Standard Operating Procedures, range rules, specific procedures, or any unsportsmanlike conduct may result in the temporary or permanent loss of membership as determined by the Board of Directors.



  • All hand guns chambered for pistol cartridges may be used.
  • Carbines chambered in pistol cartridges may be used.
  • Rimfire rifles may be used.
  • No armor piercing or tracer ammunition may be used.
  • Full auto, bump fire, or enhanced fire firearms may be used on Pistol Bay 7 only (see Training Range Rules and Qualification) with Board of Directors approval and completion of the shooter qualification course of fire.


  • Pistols will be unloaded and placed on a firing bench pointed down range with action open and magazine removed, or cased or holstered when not on the firing line. No one is to go down range until pistols are made safe or holstered and the range is declared CLEAR.
  • No firearms will be handled or touched in any way, while people are down range.
  • Commands issued by the Range Safety Officer and Range Personnel must be obeyed immediately and without question.
  • Only strong side handgun holsters may be used on the pistol range. No shoulder or cross-draw holsters may be used.
  • Handgun muzzle discipline will be maintained at all times.
  • Muzzles must never be pointed above the top of the berm.
  • All shooting will be conducted from the same firing line. No shooter will be in front of or behind the firing line.
  • NO shooting from behind the orange posts marking the rear boundary of the bay.
  • Members may set up targets in the pistol bays except for:
  • Bay 1 – IDPA and Special Events use only.
  • Bay 7 – Training bay for CQB with board approval (see Training Range Rules and Qualification).
  • Bay 8 – The bay and the Shoot house are closed to all shooters. IDPA use only.





The use of this range by a club member requires LC & SA Board of Directors approval and a special range identity card. Approval is based on required training conducted by designated LC & SA Range Safety Officers and a demonstration of the required skills by the club member. 



  • Battle rifles: AR/AK type firearms or Tactical shotguns. Fully automatic and bump fire firearms may be used on this bay only.
  • The use of tracer, armor piercing or steel core ammunition is prohibited.


All users of the LC & SA Pistol Bay 7 range MUST abide by the following rules:

  • Only authorized LC & SA members may use this range. Guests are not permitted to use this range.
  • No loaded firearms are permitted up range of the safety markers at the rear of the range.
  • MUZZLE DISCIPLINE IS MANDATORY AT ALL TIMES! All muzzles must be kept pointed below the top of the berm. No high muzzle practice will be conducted. All shooting,magazine changes and malfunction clearing will be from the “low ready” position.
  • Targets are to be set directly in front of berm to ensure rounds impact the berm.
  • NO shooting from behind the orange posts marking the rear boundary of the bay.
  • Only one shooter is allowed on the range per course of fire, with the exception of any Range Safety Officer(s) present.



  • All Federal, State and Local firearms laws must be obeyed.
  • Cold range rules are in effect at all times. Firearms will be loaded only on the firing line prior to shooting.
  • All firearms not on the firing line must be either holstered, encased, or unloaded with the actions open.
  • No firearms will be handled or touched in any way, while people are down range.
  • Commands issued by the Range Safety Officer and Range Personnel must be obeyed immediately and without question.
  • When the line is declared CLEAR, all firearms will be made safe, actions open, pointed down range, with shooters away from the firearms.
  • Only PAPER targets may be used on the range. Do not use bottles, cans, exploding targets etc. on the range.
  • You are responsible to police your brass, targets and to put all trash in the trash barrels when finished shooting. Please deposit all empty cartridge casings in the recycling “bird houses” provided at the range.
  • Eye and ear protection must be worn by all shooters and spectators.
  • Food, beverages and smoking is prohibited on the range.
  • Only LC & SA members can use this range. Guests are not permitted to use this range.
  • The use of tactical rifles/shotguns, fully automatic firearms and firearms equipped with bump fire or rapid fire devices is permitted on this range.
  • Firearms permitted on this range: Tactical AR/AK type firearms, tactical shotguns, pistols and rimfire rifles.
  • No loaded firearms are permitted up range of the safety markers at the rear of the range.
  • MUZZLE DISCIPLINE IS MANDATORY AT ALL TIMES! No high muzzle practice will be conducted. All shooting and magazine changes will be from the “low ready” position.
  • Only one shooter is allowed on the range per course of fire, with the exception of any Range Safety Officer(s) present.
  • The use of tracer, armor piercing or steel core ammunition is prohibited.



  • Semi-Auto RCP’s may only be used on Pistol Bay 7.
  • Non-Members are not allowed to shoot Semi-Auto RCP’s.
  • An authorization card will be issued to identify member as being approved to use Semi-Auto RCP’s on Pistol Bay 7.
  • Authorization card must be shown when requested by any other member.
  • Contact Jon Brough ( to schedule a qualification test.